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Pietro Biffi starts working on his own at the fruit and vegetable market in Milan in 1929 , after 4 years of experience working for some other wholesale dealers.

Thanks to his various hours of work and thanks to his competence  - his motto was “the secret of this type of work is choosing the areas of production  , the providers and the products “ – the business develops rapidly. 

When suddenly and before his time,  he passed away in 1954,  his wife Bambina, which has always been next to him from the beginning with a lot of devotion, went on with the work together with the four sons.

Today the firm  is leaded by Italo, Piero and Stefania, by continuing the tradition of seriousness and of service to customer and by following the  principles of the founder.  By three quarters of  century from the foundation, the accurate search for providers, for the specific areas of production and for products, still remains the first concern of Biffi’s family and the best warranty for his customers.

BIFFI PIETRO EREDI S.r.l. P.IVA 00805790151 - Powered by AB informatica Urgnano